Friday, September 7, 2012

Who are you?

How do you feel about the phrase "don't marry someone you can live with, only someone you can't live without?"  When are things too mushy?  I believe that true love is not just holding hands in public (even though that is sweet), and it is definantly not that akward PDA couple in high school.  I think it is nice to find somone that you have passion for.  Passion will always change throughout the years, but it is important that if you look over at your husband, that you should always feel that sense of attraction.  I think the main thing that I have learned is that no one will make you perfect.  No one will complete you.  No one will fill in what you lack.  Marriage is about complementing each other.  It is about pushing each other to be the best that we can be, not totally dependant on one another.  I have two legs, two arms, a heart, and a brain.  For instance.  I watched an episode of "Say Yes to the Dress," which is always acceptable to watch.  The bride only wanted her friends and groom to approve the dress.  How is that a happy life?  I am an education major.  I play the cello.  I am a believer.  A dreamer.  Who are you?